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Showing posts from 2012

2013 is on the way :)

Okay I would like to take this chance to thank you my lovely readers for making me happier blogger eva ! your endless love and support have changed me in so many ways !! Reading your comments whether here or on twitter made me feel  so connected to you , and I even felt like i knew u since forever !! May this year brings you nothing but happiness and joy ! I would  ♥ to hear your new year resolution as I'm going to post mine  on my next update " I promise " =p

Hello December *Happier & Brighter*

Hello December *Happier & Brighter* despite of my uncle lost that  my family been through , Allah  has gave us so much to be grateful for .. and as they say being grateful is the ultimate way into endless happiness , anyways lets get into the post  , I know i was supposed to list my Nov favorite  but  i guess i will post them maybe later with other products which  have been using  * work is so much fun am actually enjoying it though i came on the wrong timing lol ,but we learn after all don't we =p  * Finally had the chance to meet my friends SoSat*IT i know it may sound normal thing but seeing them again was a blast had a great time " Love you Girls " *Okay so my family decided to do a small trip to enjoy this wonderful weather am sure most of you who are in the UAE or gulf region are enjoying it too :) .. we stayed almost a whole day out there , check the pictures below the process of making my precious kara...

In between

In between Where are we now ? Between life and death Between light and dark Between hate and love Between happiness and sorrow Between pain and relief We live in between until that day …. We  grow , we learn , and we move on PS : RIP dear uncle 

For a Reason

For a Reason Everything in life is meant to be there for a reason   simple things that you may not think of are actually there for a reason, and finding the reason is sometimes the beginning of a new adventure Knowing the reason why that certain thing happened or didn’t happen is  hard and it might take ages .. but eventually a LESSON is  what we get  and what we actually need Lots of annoying things have had happened to me lately ! I know and I know its just phase but when things happen  one after the other you sort of started wondering  what have I done to deserve all that ? am I good person  ? and lots of question some of them might be a bit silly  though “Gossip” was the main annoying  situation which I had to face, sick people talk  behind your back saying unpleasant stuff is just “aaaah” unbelievable , and what it makes it worse is when other keep telling you “ she said blah blah about y...

Lets Keep Going !

Lets Keep Going ! Man I have missed this place so much ! I hope you missed me too onliners :P Okay I know I know I haven’t update since I don’t know  but remember in my last  post I have mentioned that I wont be having enough time to update so now that am back I need to let you all know what was going on and all ! Hmm where to start from okay ! as you may know I have left work for good it was tough decision but turn out to be just fine in fact am enjoying staying at home and focusing on my studies , I even gain some weight ! is that a good sign ? Life been so amazing lately I really admit that I have been through little bit of struggling especially with my prev work ppl without mentioning any names but seriously those people doesn’t really know what should they do ! I mean for God sake someone should teach our HR people their basic tasks LOL ! Anyways speaking of my p...