“ The older I get the wiser am trying to be, though crazier I want to be “ #Anoofah Since I was a little girl I've always kept telling myself that am truly blessed for not being the eldest sister specially seeing how my sisters used to take care of us and take some of family responsibilities. But then when I started seeing my friends at school holding their younger sisters hands I wanted to have a baby sister too! So my mind and heart were both torn apart between wanting to be the eldest and not to be , but years passed and I guess I attracted what I was mostly thinking about. Chapter 1 (I am Scared ) Back around 2009\2010 when sister who was the eldest at that time got engaged I was kind of worried that I am next; its me who will take care of almost everything so yeah the next big boss Worrying too much defiantly was not the solution maybe I should just get myself a little prepared for this new phase of my life NOTE : am not irresponsible person ,...