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Showing posts from November, 2017

Living my dream

When I was a little girl I remember telling my siblings that I have two personalities; the first is Noof as they know and the other one is the American personality and I named her "Suzie" how funny is that XD it has always been my dream to visit USA and experience living there .... Guess what Today I am at United States pursing my masters at University of Pennsylvania  No Magic was required to make my dream came true all I needed was to " believe that it will happen in the right time " I know this might sound like ridiculous topic to talk about and what a goal !! to me it is not just to live the western life, it is to know my true self without any instructions, to appreciate everything that I have. Also to learn how to be independent. Most importantly I want to inspire others. The journey to get here took lots of courage and determination I had to be sure that this is what I really wanted and I have to be clear why do I really want it. For me this has m...