Its weekend time and as usual me and my younger sister have to do something crazy and different all together , So we decided that we'll do different hairstyle's and whoever got the best one wins the title of the BEST hairstyle , anyway the competition started and once we are done , both my sisters agreed that mine was special and I deserve the 1st place !! They both kept saying how did you do it teach us teach us - I was so excited to do so but once the party was over , I thought hairstyle isn't really that valuable lesson which I should teach my younger sisters ,so I brought pencil and paper and thought of writing True life lessons for both of them , and I know how hard it may gets if you would just list 10 ONLY …
* Be a good Believer Allah is always close to those who truly believes that Allah is with them always and forever
* you are Stronger than you may think, even when you are vulnerable
* Read - Read and always Read
* love = family , family =Love - remember that
* Be a good listener and you'll learn a lot
* Sometimes it is OK to cry
* Maya Angelo said once " people might forget what you did/said to them , but they will never forget how you made them feel " - remember in Karma when you deal with people
* Stand up for yourself even though your alone - knowing that you are right, Believing that you are right is the best weapon
* Don't forget the Real aim for being an educated person - I guess people and even my self totally forgot what is it .
* Be grateful for who you are and what you have - and My God all the good things will keep on coming to you
Inspired by Modern Mom Article
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