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Colorful Life

Colorful Life 

So here I’m back to work , daily routine and in my mind am still wondering is summer over !!! I’m so in vacation mode didn’t want actually to go back to work , the only reason which will make me to is to see my lovely friends whom I truly miss .
Summer been so amazing to me lots of great things have happened, Thai Trip , Ramadan * family gathering , spirituality *, I’ve started my personal Blog * enjoy updating it * became more active on twitter and made new friendship with lovely people , and many other great stuff which I cant think of while writing lol , it was just a blast , simply am truly grateful to every single thing that has happened during summer .  

Everybody have spend their vacations differently summer been good to some and bad to others yet it seems like rainbow has a different shades of different colors

And that’s how our life is in fact .. different phases , different feelings … you cant just say it has been good or bad..  cause we don’t actually know what is good for us ! lots of hidden lessons are always there waiting for us ! yeah ?

I know lately been a bit tough phase for me with all shocking news which I had to deal with and face … sometimes it is hard to remain strong in such times but when I kept in my mind that its only a phase which will eventually fade away
It makes things little bit easier for me …

I remember when Prof Hesham  Kamel taught me once “ Keep on reminding your self with all of blessings that Allah gave you and you will be alright “  what a GREAT Lesson !

My prayers will always be to remain grateful … and may the upcoming days be more bright and joyful to you all

and again another capture 


Unknown said…
It was the best summer I've ever had because of my adorable aunt♥ anofah♥
Hope that ur upcoming days will all be Joyful and unforgettable ♥
Anonymous said…
do not let your feeling like ground every body walk on it but let your feeling like the sky every body hope to touch N!CE N!CE N!CE♥♥♥♥♥♥
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed reading your blog... It's like a mirror of my summer too. It's sure a great feeling to get a full packaged amazing summer, to learn, enjoy, pray, and be gratefull every minute for what you have!!
Hope all your days full of colorful days.

Ps. You are one of the wonderful things that happen to me in summer :* xoxo
☆ Anoofah said…
zozo aljunaibi seeing your comment made me smile like dis :D same to you love <3

Anonymous1 : thanks alot for the advice yes will try my best to

Anonymous2 : oh my adorable friend , can i just say that the feelings are mutual

Thanks for sharing your summer, now that I read yours I wanna write mine :))) am gonna be back to work next week! I donno if I'll be able to wake up early on the morning! Loads of kisses and hugs to you sweety xoxoxo

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