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Reflection of My childhood thoughts

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Another sleepless night , the weather outside is so amazing ! its just perfect time to be inspired and start writing , Okay readers its 2:44AM when I started writing this post .

Lets stay a still , take a look round you see how your life is , things you have , things you do , things you have achieved, your job maybe, Haven’t ever wondered if this whole thing was on your mind when you were a child ? doesn’t reflect some of your childhood thoughts ?

When I was little girl I was always pretending to hold microphone though its not a real one but fake one lol , and start acting as if am news anchor , I was always fascinated by their job and how they read the news , and how confident and elegant they look , the idea of being a news anchor was on my mind for so long, years later guess what I did it when I was college student , I held a real Microphone  ,   I was Master of Ceremony  for many events , its like a dream that came true , I didn’t realize  that until a girl came to me once and said “ I am so amazed by your courage to stood in front of all those people with smile “
When I got home that day I kept thinking I may not got what I exactly want but I did what I wanted to do years a go , holding microphone and speak to people

The other thing is the make up passionate I used to watch those ladies with all of those colorful lipstick and all , I still remember the other day I took my school coloring pens and put em on my face when my elder sisters saw me they screamed saying “ silly what have you done?!! “ ok it took them a lot to  take all those fancy colors off my face , I got my lesson not to put them but the hope to be able to put them one day was there , the very first lipstick I put it on was my mom’s Chrisitan Dior lip stick and it was Red .. though my mom is not makeup fan .

Heels oh heels , my eldest sis was fashion girl type , she has all those fancy jewelry and nice dresses , I used to wear her Paige heels that has black rounded dots and walk in front of the stove as it has reflected cover just like mirror . the feeling that I used to have when I wore them is indescribable , now I can wear all kind of heels in fact my sister is now asking me how can  you walk with them

Reading has its own story too , when I used to watch those people in the movies who read and get so engaged with it ,make me wonder why cant I be one of them years later  I can  proudly say that am a  READER ,  okay that’s another childhood thoughts reflection  

I still have dreams that I wish one day they will be reality and who knows one day I might write about it J

Speaking of makeup I hve got .. one of the BEST limited collection by MAC Archie Girls , ladies i have been waiting for this collection since forever and its just worth waiting for .... I 'll leave you with the Pics , 

Talk to you Soon



Dalola said…
Salam..I love the way you write and how passionate you sound..

when I was little I had 2 dreams become a lawyer and a hostess,unfortuantly I couldnt achieve the first one but I studied and get a flight attendant diploma...

I have always dreaming to live abroad and be independant...

And here i am living in Dubai alone for 8 years...

Keep blogging and spreading the positive energy...

Dalola said…
Salam..I love the way you write and how passionate you sound..

when I was little I had 2 dreams become a lawyer and a hostess,unfortuantly I couldnt achieve the first one but I studied and get a flight attendant diploma...

I have always dreaming to live abroad and be independant...

And here i am living in Dubai alone for 8 years...

Keep blogging and spreading the positive energy...

Gale Minchew said…
A wonderful post, Anoofa! I remember doing some of the same things as a little girl...trying on my mom's heels and playing with her makeup...great memories. Thank you for sharing your childhood memories with us!

Gale Minchew said…
A wonderful post, Anoofa! I remember doing some of the same things as a little girl...trying on my mom's heels and playing with her makeup...great memories. Thank you for sharing your childhood memories with us!


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