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share. learn. inspire featured guest Sandy C Maui ❤

So My lovely readers am back again with Anoofah's Series { share. learn. and inspire } and this Time this interview will be with my SUPER AWESOME friend Sandy C Maui .. 

I'm a great believer in faith ! and I guess everything in life happens for a reason , I get To know Sandy from her marvelous quotes she shared on Twitter you wont believe this but her tweets doesn't only inspire  me but it has changed me , especially when she told me to trust God and expect miracles !

Since then  I guess Miracles Started showing up in every corner of my life 

Please Don't forget to leave your comments and share this post with others 
 Enjoy this Interview :)

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One word the describes you Encourager

When did you know that your writing can encourage and inspire others
-I realized God gave me a gift to write when I would read my own writing and it would minister to me. I knew it was going to encourage others.  God will not only use my gift to bless other people but he would use my gift to bless me. So amazing how that has worked out!

 What inspires you -seeing people pursue their dreams with an enormous amount of passion! And then seeing their dreams come to fruition! It inspires me to go after my dreams with all of my heart.

If you woke up one day not feeling positive how do you overcome such feelings - I pray every morning and thank God for the blessings he has given me. When I count my blessings it helps me to become more positive and lifts me up. I always try to look at the bright side of things. If something isn't good, I always ask God to bring something good out of it. 

The Best decision that you have ever made was my life to Christ! He completes me. I would not be who I am today if it wasn't for his grace, mercy, and unfailing love towards me.

Best Quote that you always remember ...Jeremiah 29:11 says, for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope.- 
This always encourages me when I'm not sure about my future. I know God has only good for me so it gives me hope.

 Do you believe in Luck ? No. I believe God blesses me with his favor. His timing is perfect for every situation in my life. 

If you would recommend 3 books to my readers what would they be?
1. I am a co-author in  this book-The Art and Science of Loving Yourself First-because your business should complete you not deplete you.
2. The Bible
3. Charles Spurgeon- Morning and Evening Devotionals

Best way to release stress is .......take a break in the day and go outside. Take in the beauty of God's creation.

How do you let go of any  bad memory - I asked God to remove it from my mind and heal my heart from the pain it has caused. I also ask him to help me forgive and let go.

 What advice would you give to your 13 years old self  ? 
You can make it! Your life is special. You are one of a kind! You were put on this earth for a reason! Go and find out what your purpose is and pursue it with all your heart! Love people! Accept people! Forgive people!

Who is your role model ? Jesus Christ- He is the perfect example of what love and forgiveness is all about.

Who motivates you ? People who help me grow in my gifts. Who sees the value in what I have to offer. Those people encourage me to keep pursuing my dreams.

BEST time of the day is ....Sunset in my yard here on Maui! I love this island. It's beauty is breathtaking!

Who is your all time favorite novelist ?Charles Spurgeon- he was known as the Prince of preachers. His writings are timeless. They always encourage me.

When, Where do you usually write ? Wherever I feel inspired. It is usually in my yard or on my lanai. It's quiet and beautiful. I call this place my garden of Eden on earth.

Your all time favorite Song ?....Amazing Grace- How sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found. Was blind but now I see.

Your All time favorite movie - Grease- I always loved the songs in the movie. John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John were great in that film.

What will be the Only reason that will make stay up all night long -writing or encouraging someone on my social media sites.

 Since one my goals is to become a writer what would you advice
I would say write from your heart. Never be afraid to let yourself be seen in your writing. You have a gift to touch and change your world.

* describe to us how  your PERFECT day is like .... Going to the beach with my husband and laying in the sand. Looking at the sky and knowing God is with me.

* Is there anything else you would LOVE to share with my readers?

I live in Maui, Hawaii. I have been living in paradise for 13 years. This my home. I have a wonderful husband who is a musician here on the island. He recently went on tour with Willie Nelson. He has an amazing gift that touches people thru his guitar playing. You can check him out at
I was put on this earth to encourage others. That is my mission. Please check me out at My favorite Hawaiian phrase is Aloha Ke Akua which means God Is Love.


I belive that Sandy inspiration is coming from her Faith ... So nothing is impossible to achieve in our life,

you gotta FAITH it till you MAKE it...

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