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Skin Routine for My #Special_Day

Hello my beautiful readers Am back Again with new post which is about my skin routine , I have followed this routine to get my skin well prepared for my #Special_Day , Please note that this routine suites my skin type which is Oily to combination skin :) anyways Enjoy

Since My skin gets breakout every now and then I need to make sure that those little pimples fade away and leave no marks so 2 weeks before my event I make sure to add those two products to avoid those little skin problems , Acretine "one the right Side "is a replacement for etin A cream , it gently exfloit my skin and help my skin looks glowy - Rexsol Gell is usually used on the pimple itself it helps to minimize it and when its dead no marks left wola !! 

I have got those two products from our local Pharmacy

getting Rid of your blackheads is essential I guess You Can Agree More huh !

a day before my event , I have exfoliated my skin using the BEST Facial Exfoliate I have ever seen which is this little baby from "ORIGINS " it leaves your skin totally soft and glowey I used it a day before the event 

Of course after exfoliating your skin , your skin gets ready to absorb all goodies you add later on so I have used one of those marvelous sheet mask from the face shop 

of course face serum are important to keep your skin super soft , and fully hydrated so before I hit bed I make sure that I use my lovely serums to me they give me a good results 

Okay here is another Tip which you Have to keep in mind when it comes to skin care do not forget to take a good care of your under eye skin by using what ever eye cream which suites you - for me I use black rose berry eye cream from Skin Food the texture is super amazing and it really hydrate my under eye area which of course helps to prevent having fine lines and black circles - Another important product which I believe every Girl should have eyelashes serum , currently in love with Super Glandin from Boots 

After reading a review on this Lip Balm which is from NUXE I decided to give it a try - it is really perfect to be used Bed Time - not when you wear Lipstick on 

Okay my beautiful readers hope you liked this post don't forget to leave your comments , till then keep your happy thoughts coming 

Love you


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Anonymous said…
to our beautiful bride to be , you are beautiful no matter what :)


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