Part of our job is to have an open day for students , where
they can discuss and ask questions about their university lives , so we had few
people from different departments to
talk to students anyhow ! one of the student stood up and she seemed to be very
upset she goes like “ no matter what we study and how hard we work we will
always end up working in different field
than what we majored in “ , and to think a bout it she is right well lets not
rush to the conclusion , the lady from admission department replied saying “
well ! its your fault for not choosing what is needed in job market “ .
Honestly speaking I so wanted to take the microphone from
her hands and throw it away ! heheh but I did not :p .
I strongly believe that
every individual has the right to choose the major they like because at the end
of the day you will be the one who is studying for the exams not a friend not
even a family member. Well am not saying you guys have to fight with your
family and all its just a matter having the right to choose for your own future
and life as well !! I have met a lot of students who were not able to choose
the major that they like just because their family actually asked them to study
different thing which is again such a sad story !
And beside lets face it if you choose something which you
think the job market needs it , you wont enjoy your university life! You wont
purse your studies with passion ! so what’s the point of forcing yourself to
study a major that you don’t actually like , everyday you will wake up you’ll
feel your energy is totally drained for nothing !
One thing I have learned from my own humble experience no
matter what’s your major no matter what’s your job trust me on tis : we all
need to use our smartness , our creativity minds to use the knowledge we have
gained from college and apply it in our work !! every nation needs more of
creative people not Copy + Paste generations ;)
Anyways my smart readers let me know your thoughts ^^