Lately things were not really easy at work and you know you
spend most of your time hmm actually your day at work than at home, so minor
things can get you really affected
The other day when things went out of control “ from my
perspective “ I had to call a colleague whom I truly trust her wisdom, so the
talk was about the incident that happened and all and they asked me a major
“ Nouf , Why does it bother you ? “
the question made my brain flipped like cant really explain
, really who does it bother me ? after all we all have a story to tell in our
lives and our signature in live will remain the same if we have not allowed
anyone to touch it or change it
people do come and leave from our path , and we are the one
who is responsible to let our heart and mind open to the lesson that we want to
learn from them , without letting them change our ultimate life goal !
if people who are surrounding you are giving you a hard time
like the one I have always remember that question and ask your self if its
worth it
so yeah I forgot to mention the other part “ you know ladies
brain “ we talk about something and then jump to something else :P
As the conversation kept going between me and my colleague
that I told you about ! hmm wait a minute can I call her my cute
and wise fairy , she mentioned that our self talk should always be about
our life goals and forget every obstacles that comes to our way .
I felt really good after hanging up and I know one thing for
sure “ Angles can come in form of human
Love you
Anoofah ❤
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The meaning to have positive friends appears in such situations
Wish you all the best nooof ✋��