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Showing posts from 2017

Living my dream

When I was a little girl I remember telling my siblings that I have two personalities; the first is Noof as they know and the other one is the American personality and I named her "Suzie" how funny is that XD it has always been my dream to visit USA and experience living there .... Guess what Today I am at United States pursing my masters at University of Pennsylvania  No Magic was required to make my dream came true all I needed was to " believe that it will happen in the right time " I know this might sound like ridiculous topic to talk about and what a goal !! to me it is not just to live the western life, it is to know my true self without any instructions, to appreciate everything that I have. Also to learn how to be independent. Most importantly I want to inspire others. The journey to get here took lots of courage and determination I had to be sure that this is what I really wanted and I have to be clear why do I really want it. For me this has m...

Where Are We Now - Week 1

Hello my readers am back with first update of Ramadan Schedule Let me tell you one thing I know for sure : it is real fun when you plan how will you spend the next month or  two , planning itself will change your entire mood , and will change your way of thinking to accomplishing things So after my plan I was aiming to start implementing from day one ! I actually did face a little of a challenge to start all the items !! I  guess the discipline part needs improvement too ><" The only challenge I have faced was managing my sleeping hours , and that of course has affected my entire schedule , I am one of those people who can not really function well when I don't get my beauty sleep . I made a small journal in which I use to keep track of how well a doing You can tell exactly where the push ! and maybe a slap is needed :P just kidding .... after reviewing the schedule I kept thinking if I need some sort of a prompt reminder on my phone this...

Change for better

I am a great believer that in each one of us, there is this hidden cleverness that we can use to create a new path in our lives, path leads to better ;more exciting ;more successful   simply a better life . So Why not use this mind !! and plan for this path in the best time of the year in Ramadan . Week ago I had this thought, that I should plan for something different this year in Ramadan , not to focus only on spirituality but also on mental and physical change .   So I asked my friends on my SnapChat and they have shared tremendous ideas! Okay I don’t want to make this post long let me share with you what does my schedule contains: Istighfar for 1000 times or more Alhamdulillah for 1000 times or more Quran recitation Choosing a topic which enlighten my mind (this time I choose to read about the chakras) * choosing a topics for weekly bases * Write my progress on weekly bases on my blog Meditation  Positive affirmation Gratitude journa...

Life with Grateful Heart

Gratefulness is another door leads to heaven  To learn a valuable lesson it might take you ages, I have been totally fortunate that I got one of the greatest lesson of my life in my mid 20's .  Being grateful 🙏🏻  I used to complain a lot about what I don't have and life kept on sending signs and lessons over and over and I kept on whining even more ! Until I had that moment when I was praying in middle of night asking Allah. For guidance and I had this feeling that I want to open my journal and it was filled with goals  and dreams of things I want to pursue  Seeing that I have accomplished many of those goals made me realize how awful I was treating my self my soul .  And between the pages there was this sheet I printed it out from the secret blog "at that time this book was phenomenon " in one of those lines it says I promise myself to be grateful .. I may not got the right exact wording but the meaning was something like I wrote  And I looked back...

Self Talk

Lately things were not really easy at work and you know you spend most of your time hmm actually your day at work than at home, so minor things can get you really affected The other day when things went out of control “ from my perspective “ I had to call a colleague whom I truly trust her wisdom, so the talk was about the incident that happened and all and they asked me a major questions “ Nouf , Why does it bother you ? “ the question made my brain flipped like cant really explain , really who does it bother me ? after all we all have a story to tell in our lives and our signature in live will remain the same if we have not allowed anyone to touch it or change it people do come and leave from our path , and we are the one who is responsible to let our heart and mind open to the lesson that we want to learn from them , without letting them change our ultimate life goal ! if people who are surrounding you are giving you a hard time like the one I have always r...

My Experience with NO Snapchat

kind of awkward  post I know but I thought it would be nice to share my experience with you guys living for almost two weeks without snapchat How did it start  I always felt like I have to reduce checking on snapchat , every morning I wake up am like ok where is my phone whats new on snapchat and that is totally unhealthy So I felt I should stop using it for awhile , after reading Michelle Phan Book specially the social media or digital detox part am like hmmm now it is the right time to do it ,  the same day I finished reading the book I was like Okay this is it! lets delete this App and have little peaceful break Addiction Symptoms  sounds serious symptoms huh ? well the first couple of days I would wake up and look for the snapchat app and then am like Woopss I deleted it , then I switched my snapchat addiction to Instagram "Funny how things can go " . right away I figured this is aint going to work so I kept leaving my phone the whole day afte...